Friday, March 21, 2008


Dear all in 5hope,


just to let you know that if you need any help in MATHS, feel free to ask me!
i would open up my both hands to help you in any ways i could!

But if you ask me any other subject like Chinese(which i am very bad in), i would try my best to help you as much as i could too!

So if you have any question, pls email me at:

i would try to email back as soon as possible!
you can also ask me by leaving a comment!

there are many ways you can ask me!

by the way, i am Evangeline:)


1) feed fayfay by clicking on the treat and the mouth.
2)play ball, click on the more and click the blue ball.
3)make fayfay bark by clicking on fayfay itself.

#Have Fun!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


hey people...

incase u dun noe...
my name is E.T. and i am from mars
i am 141 cm tall and i have a very huge family tree!
i live in the west side of mars and we have many fasinating stuffs here that u human dun!!!

i have got 50 family members!!!

they are my

-mum and dad
-4 grandparents
-21 brother
-22 sisters

(you must be thinking that my mum is a pig )

but its great !!!
bcus im the youngest!!

and of course ...
you must be thinking how i landed up on earth having a blog!!

the truth is....


1st) i got angry and ran away from home
2nd) i met a stranger and he brought me on this plane
3rd) i found myself smaller then ever!!(a baby)
4th) i am here posting my blog

but u know something???

blog is very lame on mars...

it first found was on 1600

so people on mars now hated blogs; except me!!!

but they love this web:

seriously ......its very fun!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008



i went to my BFF's house yesterday and watch her play audition.
i tried but.... NO FUN!!!! was fun at her house as there was this 'YOGA ball'. it was so fun!!
and there was this stupid dog that actually started scratching me and one of my BFF.
my the other BBF did not get scratch bcus she was afraid of dogs!!!!
anyway, it was a scary experience!!!!
the stupid dog destroy my beautiful orange FILA shirt!!!!!!

so ANGRY with that stupid dog!!!!!

but the father dog was the best dog i had ever seen!!!
it was so good and it just stays down there aside!!!

but the funny thing is that the SON of the parent's dog was bigger than them!!
the son was only 6
but i do not know how old is the parents...
but still, i am still very angry with the mama dog who had scratch my beautiful orange shirt!!!

Oh i hate that stupid MAMA dog!!!!!!!!!!!!

but at least i get to eat the KFC's popcorn brought by my BFF's father and we played many pranks at some of our normal friends too!!!
(not serious) (-.-)


Saturday, March 8, 2008

~MaRCh HoLIdAys~

Feeling so great as march holiday is coming soon!!
Just got back RB and results... Haiz......
so bad!!!!
1A 3B!!!!! Can't believe it.....

anyway..... Sitll looking forward to march holidays bcus can go
good frewn's house!!! :)
anyways, all i can say is:''work harder loh''
